A new logo that I developed for the Essex National Heritage Commission. It is for an upcoming symposium that will feature international, national, and regional leaders who will share the conceptual framework and the implementation strategies that are currently being employed in the landscape-scale conservation movement.
In response to the impacts of globalization, climate change, and widespread environmental degradation, conservationists, resource stewards, and public officials are embracing a much larger, whole ecosystem approach to conserving land and its attendant historic and cultural attributes. This is a radical departure from the nearly 400-year-old New England practice of dividing land into ever smaller parcels and focusing on development and preservation principally at the local level. This new approach requires building complex networks of
partnerships and overlapping jurisdictions which work in concert to conserve the natural, cultural, and historic resources of the regional landscape. The purpose of this symposium is to provide an overview of the most current national/international strategies and then as the day
progresses to look more closely at the implementation work of'on-the-ground' practitioners.